Future Foresters leadership positions open

Friday 19 May 2023

Future Foresters (NZ) have opened up their annual applications for Leadership Team positions! There are two Executive Committee positions open (2-year term) as well as their annual call for Regional Leaders throughout the country (1 year term with ability to reapply).

Future Foresters, as a special interest group under the NZIF, is a group of young foresters who aim to create a forestry community. We do this by connecting young foresters throughout the country, promoting our sector’s benefits and career opportunities, providing a network and voice for young/new foresters, providing professional development opportunities, and linking new and experienced foresters.

The role of Regional Leader involves growing and maintaining a regional network, organising networking and careers events, alongside opportunities to be involved in industry groups by representing Future Foresters, and helping with other projects.

The FF Exec position involves the overall running of FF (including managing finances and funding), leading FF projects, coordinating nationwide events/themes, and engaging with industry, and much, much more!

To be clear, these roles are voluntary. The time commitment involves a monthly, 1hr online team meeting, twice yearly Saturday planning meetings & team building, and time spent on event planning, project involvement, etc.

If you’re a passionate and motivated young forester and interested in being part of forestry’s future then please fill out an application form and send it to admin@nzif.org.nz. Please note that you are able to apply for Regional Leader and/or Executive Committee in the same application form.

Please share amongst your own companies and networks as this is an awesome opportunity for our young foresters all around Aotearoa!

If you’ve got any questions, email us ( info@futureforesters.com) or message us on Facebook or Instagram.

Applications close 31st May 2023 and positions will be filled by 30th June for a 1st July start for the new FF Leadership Team.

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